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Greater water retention.

Greater water retention.

Builds a healthy soil profile.

Safer for children and ecosystem.

Seasonal Tips & Trends

  • Recommended Spring Treatments
  • Spring is approaching!
    As soil temperatures begin to increase during late winter and early spring, fescue and warm season grass (Bermuda/Zoysia/St. Augustine, etc.) lawns begin to wake up. What does this mean for your lawn and what should you be doing about it?
  • Fescue Lawns- If you were smart, you performed a thorough aeration and seeding during the fall of last year and there will be no need to aerate and seed during the spring. We recommend applying a pre-emergent fertilizer once in February and then again in April. Use March to clean up any existing weeds that may have poked its head through your first round of pre-emergent. Fescue planted last year will now begin to reach something called “full lateral maturation”. Grass you plant in the fall only reaches about 50% maturity. You will begin to see what was once baby grass last fall begin to beef up and your lawn will become much thicker and greener. We hardly ever recommend aeration and seeding in the spring as fescue has a hard time maturing quick enough to withstand the harsh conditions of summer when planted in the spring. If you must, we recommend aerating and seeding in late February. Forego any pre-emergents or weed killers until you’ve mowed your new grass at least 3 times. Fungus control will also be imperative as new fescue grass is like a child during the spring and summer months, it’s very prone to getting sick with fungus and other diseases.
  • Warm Season Grasses such as Bermuda and Zoysia- The pre-emergent you applied should still be holding strong. Now that soil temps are on the rise, you will begin to see the hearty grasses start to wake up and look forward to the warm weather to come. We recommend cleaning up any lingering winter weeds in March and then a pre-emergent in April. Aeration of warm season grasses should only be performed when it is FULLY out of dormancy state and actively growing. May and June are prime times to do this in southeast areas of the country.
  • Your soil is most active during the warm seasons. This means all of the little beneficial microbes, fungi and bugs are hard at work providing essential nutrients to your turf. Introducing an organic-rich nutrient into your soil only enhances the microbial activity and will help build a very healthy soil profile. You can add a 100% organic fertilizer during any month of the warm season regardless of the grass type. A more organic soil profile is not only healthier for the plant, it will also build tremendous drought tolerance.
  • Recommended Summer Treatments
  • As soil temperatures begin to increase during late spring and summer, lawns become stressed and become prone to weeds, disease, and insects.
  • Control Summer weeds now! It is also very important to apply a preventative fungicide along with a bio-enhanced fertilizer once every 25 days. Weed seedlings that have remained asleep within your soil, especially crabgrass, are soon going to be woken up by warmer soil temperatures. Furthermore, if you're not protected from diseases such as brown patch, pythium, and dollar spot BEFORE the outbreak, you'll certainly be fighting them with almost double the chemical product, not to mention the unsightly effects of these diseases. Don't wait until it's too late!
  • Your soil is most active during the warm season. This means all the little beneficial microbes, fungi, and bugs are hard at work providing essential nutrients to your turf. Introducing an organic-rich nutrient into your soil only enhances microbial activity and will help build a very healthy soil profile.


Welcome To Organic Lawns

Organic Lawns' ™ approach to lawn care is unique and revolutionary. For us, it all starts with the soil. The foundation of all turf and plant health begins with healthy soil. Our bio-enhanced, custom blended and fortified organic based fertilizers help to detoxify and buffer the chemicals and salts that prevent bioactivity in the soil. Our Program helps to generate new soil-improving microbes as well as providing numerous plant trace nutrients and bio-stimulants. Our program contains a variety of products like natural composts, organic based fertilizers, amino acids, rooting and growth hormones, microorganism and beneficial bacteria, and in some cases, custom blended compost tea applications.

Our program is designed to develop a thick, healthy, green lawn using organic and organic based products. Our focus is on creating healthy lawns thru proper soil management by using an integrated organic based approach to turf management. It's much more than just fertilizer program; it's a concept. We use only quality, custom blended, bio-enhanced organic fertilizers.