4913 Chastain Avenue, Suite 23, Charlotte, NC 28217 | 888.246.6742

Tree and Shrub Services
Tree and Shrub Services - Compliment your yard!
A beautiful lawn is complimented by healthy trees and shrubs. Shrub DoctorTM , a sister company of Organic LawnsTM , provides integrated plant healthcare programs that control disease and infestation in/on your ornamental trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth. Like Organic LawnsTM, most products used by Shrub DoctorTM are 100% organic and are custom blended with maximum efficiency with healthy results in mind. Shrub DoctorTM customers can expect scheduled inspection of trees, shrubs and soil for signs of past or current disease or insect infestation followed by selective treatments for the ongoing control of any disease and/or insect problems.
Free Annual Program Estimate